Tuesday, April 27, 2010

#32. Rock Band

Backdated Tuesday

I met up with some friends from elementary school. Yeah, while other people are getting on with their lives and looking for jobs, I'm hanging out with the people I use to play Pokemon cards with (and still do).

We ended up playing Rock Band. For those of you who've been living in a cave for the past few years, it's a video game where you play pale imitations of real musical instruments in order to feel as if you have a modicum of talent. Ever see four grown men playing plastic drums and clicking buttons on a plastic guitar? It's a pretty sad sight.

Anyways, someone decided to play the hardest song on the hardest difficulty level, and I ended up with the microphone. For those of you that don't know me, I do play guitar and I do sing along, but in no way am I a talented songbird. Surprisingly enough, we made it through the song (after ten tries).

So chalk one up for finishing a panic attack Rock Band song. In no way does this indicate my real-life ability to sing, so don't expect it out of me.

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