Wednesday, April 14, 2010

#20. Legendary Drinks

Jon and I went out and bought an obscene amount of alcohol:

[This is what $100 bucks of power looks like]

No, we weren't planning a night of debauchery (that just happened naturally).

Ever play The Legend of Zelda? Namely, Windwaker? Well, if you haven't (re: you are not a huge smelly nerd virgin), in the game, the main character Link (yeah, not Zelda, I know it's confusing) carries around 4 bottles. He can carry a number of items in these bottles, like bugs and frog eyeballs and so on.

Fortunately, he carries around more palatable substances. Like potions. No booze - the games are rated Teen, and Teens don't drink alcohol, silly.

Red potions restore health, green potions restore magic. Blue potions are rarer and restore both. And finally, there's gold potion, also known as Elixir Soup, which restores both health and magic, AND doubles your attack power until you get injured. Got that? Good, you're a slightly greater nerd than you were before. You can thank me later.

So keeping that in mind, we browsed the aisles of the liquor store looking for ingredients to make our potions. We thought about using fruit juices and stuff, but... naaaah. Fruit juice, baahaha.

The Red Potion restores health, so we mixed pomegranate liqueur (McGuinness Exotic) with raspberry liqueur (Sourpuss) and vodka (Smirnoff) - a shot of each. We figured fruits were healthy and all that? I don't know. It's sweet and tastes delicious, very fruity with a bite of vodka.

The Green Potion restores your magic meter. Magic is usually associated with mental energy, so we added melon liqueur (McGuinness), Creme de Menthe (McGuinness) and vodka. This one is sweet but also refreshing, as the light taste of the melon mixes with the freshness of the mint. I feel like I'm pitching a product a la Billy Mays, God bless his soul.

The Blue Potion restores both mind and body. We passed through a gas station on the way back and picked up a pack of Red Bull - logo being: revitalizes mind and body. I considered chugging a 4 pack of Red Bull just on principle, but this blog would've been even more unintelligible than it already is. So a shot of Red Bull, a shot of vodka, and a shot of blueberry liqueur (McGuinness Exotic, again - we were too lazy to check the other aisles). Delicious blueberry taste but the Red Bull definitely gives a nose-flaring kick.

And finally, the Elixir Soup. No, there isn't any soup in it. Don't be gross. It has a shot of Red Bull, a shot of vodka, and a shot of Goldschlaager. It's like the Blue, but instead of a sweet blueberry flavour, it has a ridiculous cinnamon shot that goes straight to your head. I'm pretty sure I could punch twice as hard after downing a round of this stuff.

We sat around watching a few episodes of Supernatural afterward, lolling our heads in potion-fueled drunkenness. Jon said he was getting a little tipsy so I socked him on the arm. Hopefully it took away his double attack power.

[Look tasty, don't they?]