Friday, April 30, 2010
#35. Wired for Fun
Thursday, April 29, 2010
#34. Oscilloscope Dismantling

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
#33. No Noobs
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
#32. Rock Band
Monday, April 26, 2010
#31. Sibling Levity
My sister finished her exams, and I took her to a bar.

Anyways, my little sister, bless her, just finished her first year at university, without ever going to a bar. Imagine you're in first year and your wise, extremely cool older brother asks you to hang out with him - and you turn him down. Sometimes I wonder if my mom locked the wrong one of us up.
I took her to a quiet bar and was entirely responsible in the sense that I bought her a few drinks and let her sing 'Don't Stop Believing' all the way home at the top of her lungs.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
#30. Gunblade

[I made her stop after she started humming 'Ride of the Valkyries.' Plus we ran out of tokens.)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
#29. Hose Repair
Today I fixed a garden hose hanger using nothing but ingenuity and elbow grease. Seriously. this thing was in like, twenty tiny shards of plastic:

[Okay, not this bad.]
Anyways, I used duct tape, superglue, krazy glue, glue gun glue, screws and washers, and managed to cobble it back together. I don't have a picture of the finished product but this'll do:
Friday, April 23, 2010
#28. The Moonside
I finished my exams today - so new thing #1 is finishing my fourth year at university. Man, I hope I'm not getting stalked, because I think you guys have enough information now to find out where I live, the names of my family members, my favourite pair of underwear...
After exams, I ended up - no, not at a bar - but at Best Buy, where I turned in my laptop for the second time in two weeks. The stupid thing keeps coming back more broken than before, and since this is only the second repair, you can tell I am irritated to the point of not making much sense. I have a friend who happens to be the Geek Squad supervisor, so obviously I ragged on what a crappy product his store has provided me with. He also happens to be my sparring partner in martial arts, so I guess it was fortunate he was working and thus not permitted to kick in my head. You know, store policy and all.
The real fun started that night. I decided to drive downtown, about half an hour's ride away, to watch another friend play open-mike at The Moonside. He rents an apartment upstairs from angry Portuguese people, but I've never gone to visit, but hey, I was finished with exams, and I felt like listening to some European domestic violence. By that, I don't know if I mean the angry couple or the music.
I'll admit I got lost on the way. I ended up driving the wrong direction for 20 minutes before hitting the end of the highway. Mark that up as another, unexpected new thing: driving to the literal dead-end of a highway. Pretty terrifying when you're going 100kph and then suddenly rumble strips start smacking your head into the ceiling.

I made it, eventually. The Moonside is a quiet bar, tended by a nice asian lady. The bar was nearly empty when we arrived, my friend lugging his guitar and some equipment, while I carried his amp like a serious roadie. While he set up, I ordered a pitcher of beer and sat down. That's when I noticed what I was drinking was not regular beer. It was cool beer.

[It tasted pretty normal though.]
The real highlights of the night started when an older African gentleman walked in. He had a heavy accent, and began drinking a storm. During the set, I would randomly turn around at some loud noise he would make, only describable as some sort of agitated yelping I assumed was singing. Eventually, to my chagrin and regret, he stumbled over and sat down across from me.
I couldn't understand him at first, because everything he said came packaged in an African brogue, and was accompanied by a literal spray of spit that erupted from his jowls like Pompeii. I pieced together parts of his conversation after my face was throughly drenched in what was probably AIDS or something. Sorry, that was inappropriate. Maybe it was malaria.
Anyways, he was talking about being an international crook - or cook. I honestly could not tell. In addition, he was describing some sort of religious rapture he had experienced. I could only assume, because he was shouting "Jesus!" repeatedly while swatting the air. I turned around at various points to find the female bartender glaring at the man like she was trying to pierce him with her laser vision.
It took ages for him to leave. He kept standing near my friend, who was performing, and swaying, then clumsily complimenting him on his singing or the music or his haircut or something. Eventually, he staggered out, upon which everyone gave a huge sigh of relief. But what came next was even worse.
This man walked in, dressed in leather and tight jeans. He looked like Richard Simmons with the sawn-off scalp of Mick Jagger surgically attached to his head. He was carrying a guitar - I think he said it was some big name brand like a Gibson. He immediately walked straight up to the stage and demanded to be put on next.
When he was told he had to wait, he got really pissed off. "I can play a thousand songs!" "Pink Floyd, and The Beatles!" "I'm a first-rate musician!"
The killer line was, "You have to leave. You have to leave when I play because I'm so good, no one deserves to hear me play."
I don't know if he was drunk or not, but I hope he was because then he'd at least have an excuse to say something like, "You have to make the hairs on my neck stand up," to which another performing guitarist said, "Man, I don't want to do that. That's weird."
He left too, after a lot of shouting insults and thinly veiled threats. It was a pretty wild night, which was weird for a quiet, empty bar. I guess it's the quality of the individual that counts over the quantity. I don't think I would've made it if it wasn't for the cool beer. I wonder what they put in this stuff anyways?

[Hemp beer?!]
Thursday, April 22, 2010
#27. Sushi Blackout

And while we were eating, the power went out. All down the street. The world stopped. Cars crashed. Planes fell out of the sky. The righteous were taken up to heaven while sinners remained on earth, reeling in the wake of disaster. My sushi order didn't come.
In reality, all that really happened is the restaurant staff started talking excitedly, like it was some sort of planned surprise for a birthday or something, while the customers looked around in mild confusion, no doubt wondering whether their orders would be delayed. At our table, everyone simultaneously pulled out their cellphones and lit the screens, some even lighting the flash on the tiny camera to create as much ambient light as possible. We strategically placed them on the table under napkins to create mood lighting.
A couple of the waiters came over and spoke Chinese to me. I listened politely and nodded a lot. I didn't know what they were saying. They looked happy though, probably because I didn't pull a knife and demand to know where my meal was at.
Soon, the lights popped back on, and everybody clapped like it was some great magic trick. Then we went back to eating. It was like the staff was trying to make up for the disturbance because the quality of food and service improved drastically afterward. It goes to show that if you want to have an outstanding dinner, cut the power to the restaurant with a pair of insulated pliers.
I thought about doing a proper 'new thing' but the blackout was random and sudden enough that I think it counts for today.
#26. Food Cancer
So Tuesday night, a few friends came over and we lit up the fire pit again. It's nice having a backyard fire once in a while, because it gives me the chance to use the word camaraderie, which is a big and complicated word that basically means 'friendtimes' and I don't get to use it that often because people will think I'm pretentious.
Anyways, I made grilled fries. Lol wut.
Yeah, I got a grill from our actual BBQ set and put the fries on it very carefully. You may ask why we don't just use the regular barbecue to make food but I present this well-rehearsed rebuttal:
It was a difficult job. The slits in the grill and just the right size to fit a fry, so all the deliciously thin potato sticks had to be kept perpendicular to the slots in the grill, lest the fall into the flame and be lost forever in fry-hell. It was even harder flipping them. Individually. Over an open fire while my ski blistered. But it was worth it because fries are awesomely delicious, and grilled fries are magnitudes greater in deliciousity. Magnitudes, man.
I'm telling you, these fries would make Santa switch from toymaking to the fast-food industry. And then everybody would die from obesity.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
#25. Jimmy Gringo's
Just pretend it's Monday. I know, out of all the days you could pretend to relive, why Monday? Monday is like the butthole of the week. Which is sort of unfortunately related to what I did on that day.
I ate a burrito. And a quesadilla. I learned that quesadilla is pronounced que-sah-dee-ah, not quesa-dilla, like it rhymes with Godzilla and destroys small cities, except, just my bowels. Was that too gross? I'm sorry. Here's a picture of a cat:
It's a new place near my place, called Jimmy Gringo's. I like to think of it as a Mexican 'Subway' restaurant, because they make the meal in front of you and ask what you want in it. There's lettuce and tomato but they also have weird stuff like guacamole. I don't like guacamole because the avocado reminds me of a tumor. A black, wrinkly tumor, like on your back or something.
Now that I think of it, isn't gringo Mexican slang for a foreigner?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
#24. Magic the Gathering

My girlfriend is a gorgeous lady but unfortunately for her, she's obligated by relationship laws to spend at least 8% of her waking hours with me per week. It's true, it's in the contract.
So today, she attempted to civilize me by accompanying me to a coffee shop. I guess I should say cafe - is that pretentious enough? I had a delicious lasagna. She had eggs and bacon (gotta love a woman who loves bacon).
There were a lot of arts students there (I could tell by the Macbooks). I guess I felt a little threatened, so I pulled out my figurative security blanket: a deck of Magic: The Gathering cards.
#23. Manglish
One of the most unique things about Malaysia is Manglish. It means Malaysian English, but also, mangled English, because people tend to speak in a way that mean exactly the opposite of how it sounds (sort of like a politician). Some excerpts:
"Why are you so boring?" means "Why are you so bored?"
"I am interesting." means "I am interested."
"Why you so like that?" means "Why do you behave so unpredictably?"
I've been to Malaysia before and I can vouch for the fact that the people do indeed sound exactly like this. Ironically, one of the funnier phrases isn't a contradiction at all:
"My house has many lizards." actually means "My house has many lizards."
That's right. I'll be spending my summer 'vacation' in humid weather over 40 deg C, living in a house infested by ceiling geckos that will poop on my head, and eating food made of lard and skin. And I will enjoy it 100%
#22. Welcome Home
I know this seems like a cop out post, but when you're starving, out of clean laundry, and missing your mommy, it's a pretty big deal when she comes back.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
#21. Potion Bottles
As if we hadn't gone far enough, we decided to make BOTTLES to keep these potions in. Actually, we decided to make the bottles first. If that makes us any less nerdier, then please accept that explanation.
We went out and bought some masking tape and glass etching stuff. And some cool bottles. then we traced the appropriate symbols on the masking tape, cut out the shapes, and stuck it to the glass surface. I knew I learned something in Kindergarten arts and crafts (Re: how to handle a pocketknife and viciously stab the kid sitting next to you when he reaches for your glue).
We put on a few coats, and in the meantime, watched some TV.
After a few hours, we peeled the tape off, and I went over the etching with some gold trim. The finished product, with some Red Potion:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
#20. Legendary Drinks
No, we weren't planning a night of debauchery (that just happened naturally).
Ever play The Legend of Zelda? Namely, Windwaker? Well, if you haven't (re: you are not a huge smelly nerd virgin), in the game, the main character Link (yeah, not Zelda, I know it's confusing) carries around 4 bottles. He can carry a number of items in these bottles, like bugs and frog eyeballs and so on.
Fortunately, he carries around more palatable substances. Like potions. No booze - the games are rated Teen, and Teens don't drink alcohol, silly.
Red potions restore health, green potions restore magic. Blue potions are rarer and restore both. And finally, there's gold potion, also known as Elixir Soup, which restores both health and magic, AND doubles your attack power until you get injured. Got that? Good, you're a slightly greater nerd than you were before. You can thank me later.
So keeping that in mind, we browsed the aisles of the liquor store looking for ingredients to make our potions. We thought about using fruit juices and stuff, but... naaaah. Fruit juice, baahaha.
The Red Potion restores health, so we mixed pomegranate liqueur (McGuinness Exotic) with raspberry liqueur (Sourpuss) and vodka (Smirnoff) - a shot of each. We figured fruits were healthy and all that? I don't know. It's sweet and tastes delicious, very fruity with a bite of vodka.
The Green Potion restores your magic meter. Magic is usually associated with mental energy, so we added melon liqueur (McGuinness), Creme de Menthe (McGuinness) and vodka. This one is sweet but also refreshing, as the light taste of the melon mixes with the freshness of the mint. I feel like I'm pitching a product a la Billy Mays, God bless his soul.
The Blue Potion restores both mind and body. We passed through a gas station on the way back and picked up a pack of Red Bull - logo being: revitalizes mind and body. I considered chugging a 4 pack of Red Bull just on principle, but this blog would've been even more unintelligible than it already is. So a shot of Red Bull, a shot of vodka, and a shot of blueberry liqueur (McGuinness Exotic, again - we were too lazy to check the other aisles). Delicious blueberry taste but the Red Bull definitely gives a nose-flaring kick.
And finally, the Elixir Soup. No, there isn't any soup in it. Don't be gross. It has a shot of Red Bull, a shot of vodka, and a shot of Goldschlaager. It's like the Blue, but instead of a sweet blueberry flavour, it has a ridiculous cinnamon shot that goes straight to your head. I'm pretty sure I could punch twice as hard after downing a round of this stuff.
We sat around watching a few episodes of Supernatural afterward, lolling our heads in potion-fueled drunkenness. Jon said he was getting a little tipsy so I socked him on the arm. Hopefully it took away his double attack power.
#19. Supernatural Season One
Okay, so my friend downloaded the whole series, up to the end of Season Four, onto his media center, and we've been watching it pretty religiously. But today we managed to finish the whole of Season One. Sitting on the couch all day, I feel like an American. I mean that in a good way.
This is sort of significant in a number of ways. First of all, it's the first live-action show I've watched in order of episodes. Second, it's the first I've watched on demand, so to speak. Also, it's just a great freakin' show.
Tomorrow's activity has got to be something that gets me up and active. My ass hurts.
#18. Guitar Magic
About a year ago, I went to see my friend's band play at a small cafe/art exhibit downtown (Groovesmith, check them out!). There was another band playing a set, and the entry 'fee' was the purchase of one of their CDs.
Anyways, it was a pretty good album, and I've been listening to it in the car (with the windows up so my singing doesn't terrorize other drivers). There's a particular song on it - A Glass or Two - that I really enjoyed. It's got some strings, piano, guitar, etc. I can only play one of those instruments (the one common to all terrible garage rock bands), but unfortunately the band still isn't popular enoug to warrant a dedicated guitar tab.
So I made one:
Okay, I can't take a picture of it. But if you search the song, you'd probably make sense of this:
Enjoy... I guess. I'm not sure it's right, because I'm apparently tone deaf and untalented.
#17. Study Session
#16. Surprise Party
So on Saturday, I went to visit my grandma - but that isn't the new thing. On my way back, I picked up a huge tray of noodles and spring rolls at a Chinese restaurant. But that wasn't new either.
Then I got home, and people started coming over. An hour later I left, to my girlfriend's house, on the pretense of taking her out for dinner. And then we got back to my place...
We noticed a bunch of people running into the backyard while others ran into the house. *facepalm*
Then, a very convoluted series of surprises took place. First, the people in the house surprised her - then she snuck around through the rear door and surprised the people in the back, just as they turned around and surprised her. It was a bigger failure than the plot of Lost but somehow ended up being entertaining as well (unlike Lost).
It was a fun night - not many pictures - but we all had a good time, and there was plenty of food and drink. It was the first surprise party I've thrown, and all things considered, it went pretty well. I might throw another one. Or not.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
#15. Car Maintenance
I just left it there. My baby.
Before you get the wrong idea, I don't drive anything fancy. I drive a Honda Civic. Yes, I am also Asian.
I don't know what they did. Mechanics are a sneaky bunch. But my car didn't explode so... I guess it was okay.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
#14. Backyard BBQ
We ended up in the backyard, stacking stones up in a circle, gathering wood, and then...
A few friends came over and we made burgers, bacon... grilled onions and mushrooms... and even made some horseradish dressing. We now have a working fire pit, so come over and have some real, flame-grilled food. Harvey's ain't got rear end on us.
#13. 5 Second Art
Just kidding. I know plenty of artists. Most of them are starving but can still afford the attitude.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
#12. Vespers
I also made Vespers with Jon. Ever watch the James Bond movies Casino Royale, or Quantum of Solace? Bond creates a martini called a Vesper - and if you watch Quantum carefully, he actually lists the ingredients. We rewound the DVD a couple of times to make sure we got it right, and even then, I'm not sure at all we did, because -wow - this drink is toxic.
If I recall correctly, it's 1 part gin, 1 part vodka, and 1 part Kina Lillet. Oh wait, there we are (thanks Wikipedia!):
- "A dry martini," [Bond] said. "One. In a deep champagne goblet."
- "Oui, monsieur."
- "Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?"
- "Certainly, monsieur." The barman seemed pleased with the idea.
- "Gosh, that's certainly a drink," said Leiter.
- Bond laughed. "When I'," he explained, "I never have more than one drink before dinner. But I do like that one to be large and very strong and very cold and very well-made. I hate small portions of anything, particularly when they taste bad. This drink's my own invention. I'm going to patent it when I can think of a good name."
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
#11. League of Legends
Idiotically, my exams are coming up, so I'm planning to fail them harder than a teenage girl and a pregnancy test.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
#10. American Sign Language
#9. Wing Chun Strikes
Yesterday, not much happened, but I did manage to watch "The Forbidden Kingdom" in mandarin Chinese. It's a pretty cool movie and I totally recommend it, especially if you're into watching a white guy get Mr. Miyagi'd by Jackie Chan and Jet Li (who also fight each other in the film, a scene that required me to get a new pair of pants after it was finished).
It would be pretty lame if my 'new thing' was 'I watched a movie in Chinese', so the real new thing came after the movie, where I went downstairs to my home gym on a martial arts high, and learned a wrist strike (used mainly in Wing Chun) and palm strike. I hurt my hands a bit trying to practice them, until I got the technique right and managed to get a few good hits in on my friend Mr. Punchingbag.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
#8. Caribbean Dinner
Anyways, there were so many foods that I know I'm forgetting a few, but here's a short list: some cornmeal cake thing, cassava, plantains, taro, ginger crab, breaded shark, some green sauce made from taro leaves I think, soylent green is people, rice, and other delicacies you'd usually only see on TV, with big name stars like Rachael Ray or Gordon Ramsey. I actually stopped talking for a full half hour while inhaling all the food - a rare feat, since my mouth is usually as active as Lance Armstrong on the Tour de France. I'm pretty sure that for a moment, I briefly lost my mind, because when I came to, my mouth was stuffed with bread and I am almost positive there was no bread at the table.
Dessert was doubly ridiculous. I'm starting to feel like Hansel since my girlfriend is force-feeding me snacks to plump me up. I don't know what her motives are, but I twitch every time she turns on the oven. I know she loves me, but whether she loves me for my charming personality, or whether or not I'd make a delightful roast, remains to be seen.
#7. Hypnotherapy
A little background: I have an Android smartphone, which, while advertising me as a total nerd, also allows me to do really awesome things like browse the web, update my blog, and make calls. One of the best things about it is that I can download free apps from the Android Market. These are like miniature programs for my phone, and like miniature sausages, are even better than the full-sized ones. I was searching online for 'Best Apps' when I came across this 'Brain Therapy' program which promised to 'promote positive brain waves'. Short of giving me free candy or sex, this was the best app I'd come across, and I was curious, so I downloaded it. FOR FREE.
It claimed to use sound therapy to alter brainwave states. I'll admit I was skeptical, but I plugged my earphones in, turned it on, and -whoa. You ever get the feeling there's a tennis ball rattling around in your head? That's probably a sign of brain cancer. The slightly modulated waves of sound feel like you're at a really intense concert with a band that plays only in low bass tones (like every 'new age alternative' band that thinks they're edgy and hip because they have a cellist).
Surprisingly enough, I knocked out after 5 minutes of the pulsating white noise, which is pretty cool. There were other settings too - meditation, study therapy, murder all your friends, relaxation - and even more with the 'paid' version. I'm slightly suspicious that there's subliminal messaging within their 'therapeutic' signals. But I'm sure it's not kill everybody much of a problem.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
#6. Book Signing
"Hey, Robert J. Sawyer is coming to our school tomorrow!"
Robert J. Sawyer is one of the most prolific Canadian Sci-Fi authors of our generation. He's also one of my favourite writers. I was a little excited, which is probably why I nearly spilled an entire can of pop on the floor (that word was very nearly 'poop').
Anyways, we went to see him today. He gave a really interesting lecture about the nature of technology and his vision of the future, and then read an excerpt from his latest book. The best part came at the end, where I purchased and got him to sign three books.
"Howdy, who do I make these out to?" he said with a big smile.
"Justin," I replied. Jon and I asked him a couple of questions and made a few fanboy comments, "I love your work" and so on. Then he looked up with a frown on his face.
"Oh darn. I made this one out to Jon." He lifted the book so I could see Jon's name where mine should have been.
"Wait -" he exclaimed. He scribbled something, and then lifted the book again. It read, "For Jonathan's good friend, Justin."
"Nice save," I commented, laughing, "But in ten years, I'll be like, 'who the hell is this Jon guy?'"
Anyways, he was a really awesome guy, and I'm a huge fan, so it was an entirely enjoyable and interesting experience. Plus, I've never had a book signed by the author before, so that's my new thing for the day. Stay tuned!