Tuesday, May 25, 2010

#60. Leaving England, Hello Malaysia

Backdated... I don't know. Let me check my time zone.

Today/Tomorrow/Yesterday I hopped on a plane, said goodbye to England, and flew to Malaysia. The time zones are all messed up, so bear with me here.

There weren't too many new things to experience on the flight, since I've taken this exact route numerous times in the past when visiting family. The difference this time was that my girlfriend was with me, and that I had the assistance of alcohol to make sleeping a lot easier.

Ever been stuck on a plane for 12 hours? You end up watching the same movies over and over again. For someone like me, who craves new experiences, being stuck in the same spot for an entire waking day is paramount to torture.

Actually, it wasn't all that bad. I'm of legal drinking age now, so for the first time, I was able to drink on the plane. Nothing fancy, just a few beers. I mean, they don't really have Pasion Azteca on board or anything. Not that I would be able to afford it if they did.

[At $3.5 million, the butler better be included]

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