Monday, August 9, 2010

L4D Expert

Today, I beat a stage in Left 4 Dead 2 on expert difficulty.

To give you the scope of this feat, consider that each zombie hit takes away 1/5th of your lifespan, and that you're surrounded by at least 6 zombies for about 50% of the game. Also consider that you're rarely given any healing items, and that the biggest zombie, the Tank, has over 8000 hit points. This ends up with a team of four people taking at least 45 seconds to mow it down, while it can kill each person in one hit.

[Also, it looks like this.]

So yeah, it's pretty difficult.

Luckily I had a good team with me, some high school friends that play the game fairly often (probably too much). My computer isn't top of the line so it has some difficulty rendering frames, which causes me to lag out on a regular basis like an overweight asthmatic running the Tour de France.

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