Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Found an archery place. Played more billiards.

Tired. Shatnerian in exhaustion.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nintendo Power

Okay, man, new stuff.

I found an archery place today. Nothing like shooting things with arrows - it just feels right, you know? Then I took one to the knee.

I hate that joke.

Moving on - I did a robot simulation for NINTENDO. Effing awesome.

I started playing more guitar, learned some new techniques, trying my hand at songwriting. I have this so far:


Still a work in progress. I bought Darksiders and Crash Bandicoot for PS3 on PSN. The first was for fun, the second for nostalgia - and fun too, because retro games are still amazing. I need to get more controllers for my N64, and maybe some old games like Banjo Kazooie or MK4.

Started exploring more of the area - went to a bar and had a wine called Zombie Killer. It was fifteen dollars and I forgot to keep the bottle. Ah well.

I'll keep posting sporadically.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Hedgehog

I went to Sonic today - US fast food chain. Got tater tots and a cheeseburger. Eating now.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chicken, Chinese, Chainmail

Hoo boy.

Okay, so, last week, I went to KENTUCKY.

It was for a work trip, but obviously, I took advantage of all the area had to offer. Which means I ended up eating KFC alone in my hotel room.

You know what? It's actually better than it is up here in Canada.

So KFC in Kentucky, that's a new thing.

Sorry, my hands hurt. I just spent a few hours making a chainmail bracelet. Oh, what's that? I never mentioned I did chainmail? Well, I just started. Today. NEW THING ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED.

I've been down at the gym a few times, and always pushing my limits. I don't know if that counts as a new thing, but I'm pressing more and more weight each week. I've simultaneously maintained my martial artistry, because the speed training stops me from getting inflexible.

And, what else? Chinese New Year came and went. Year of the Dragon. You know, bird flu came around in the year of the Rooster. Swine flu came back in the year of the Pig. The Mayans predicted 2012 would be the end of the world. I have a theory...

Anyways, I joined my family for a CNY dinner with a few other families - Ho, Ooi, and Chong. I have incredibly Asian friends.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Drinking Alone

Hey guys! I'm really updating, like an actual blogger!

I went to Rochester Hills Brewery today. Pretty nice place - it's actually a bar, attached to a brewery. The beer is great - I don't think I've ever tasted the real taste of beer before. It's fresh, and there's actually a distinct grain/hops taste.

I like Canadian beer more, in terms of quality. It goes down a lot smoother, there's more weight to it. But America has more microbreweries, and it shows. There's tons of variety, and the beer is usually made on the spot, or close enough to make no difference.

Tonight was open mic night - I didn't play, but I went to watch and listen. Really fun stuff going on, but it's a bit bigger than my usual hangouts. I prefer small, hole-in-the-wall bars. I need to find something like that, and reclaim my roots.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I went to the Detroit Auto Show today. So tired. Will update later.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sitting Down


I bought a chair today.

This is a celebratory occasion because I have been in this apartment for nearly 3 months to the day. And for those ~90 days, I've been sitting on an upturned plastic shipping container.

Now I have a microsuede office chair with wheels and a spring back, adjustable seat. Armrests too.

It takes me an absurdly long time to buy the things I need, because I am a stupid.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Deer Run

I've moved into a nice little area in the heart of Rochester Hills. I'm surrounded by a thick forest, encircled by a sizable creek. There, now the stalkers out there should have no trouble finding me.

I took a walk by the creek today. I hadn't had a chance to do so until now, due to work and other commitments, and the short periods of daylight. I wouldn't want to trip and fall fifty feet into a freezing river, despite how hilarious my eulogy would be.

It's a beautiful place, but as I was making my way back, I literally stumbled into a small herd of deer. Like, four or five of them, just five metres from me. One of them made a sound, which caught my attention, and they looked up as I stopped. For like, five minutes, we just stared without moving. I waved, and they didn't react. Jerks.

It was getting slightly troubling. Did deers ever attack people? I checked for antlers but found none. Did that mean they were all female? Or were antlers not 'in' this season? Their big black eyes stared deep into my soul - scrutinizing, judging.

I turned my back and walked away, checking every five seconds, wary of a hoof in my back.

Thank God I made it out alive.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Oh man. Gotta beat Skyward tonight.

As another note, I'm going to stop using work as a 'new things' topic. No one wants to hear what I do at my job... because I do something new and exciting every day! Yes, that is the answer least likely to get me unemployed. I ran it through a calculator.

Outside of work though... I come back pretty late. Then I feel like this: http://i.imgur.com/ZC7b2.gif


I'm going to head out to a bar for dinner. Hamlin Pub. It's a nice place. I'll let you know if I make it back.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Oh man. Sorry guys. My head has been so far up my ass these days.

So what's new?

- I bought a PS3, with Shadow of the Colossus Remastered. I love that game so much. If I were a dog, I'd pee myself with excitement. I still haven't beaten Skyward Sword yet, so I feel a little guilty double-gaming. Expect me to beat that soon. I'll definitely update it here.

- I bought a new TV to play the aforementioned games on. I also got Netflix. I'm slowly turning into my friend Jon, who has so much technology. I'm afraid he's a Borg, and he's slowly assimilating me.

- Christmas came and went, and I got plenty of new clothes. I guess people are trying to make me mature into a working individual. Joke's on them; sometimes I get naked and slather myself in Vaseline, then scoot around the kitchen pretending I'm a slug.

- What else is new? Well, I started reading A Storm of Swords, book 3 in the Game of Thrones series. Hope that guy finishes the last book soon... he's getting kind of wrinkly.
