Monday, November 7, 2011

#3. Cooking for One

Still here.

Work has been intense. I build robots. They slice, they dice, they hunt Sarah Connor.

What else is new? Well, I don't have dining room chairs. I'm sitting on a large cardboard box, and it has a dimple in it from my ass.

Anyways, new things: I became product manager for the M430, the first USDA-approved food robot. But in an effort to make this blog NOT all about work, I'll also list that I learned how to cook a great many things for myself. Today's menu is garlic-butter tilapia fillets with homemade pasta sauce on rigatoni. I'm being fancy.

My girlfriend also gave me a metric shitload of recipes, which have so far come in handy. Still can't believe I can buy booze at walmart.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

#2. Robots

I'm almost done my first week here in new-jobland, and it's been really intense. I've learned so much over the past few days, I've had to install an extra memory card in my ear to accommodate all the new data.

I've been running around, working with different robots. Sometimes I attend seminars, but one thing I really enjoy is how 'hands-on' this place is. They really encourage you to pick up a controller and start learning from experience. I haven't crashed anything, or accidentally set any robots on a 'destroy all humans!' rampage.

One thing I'm getting irritated at is the feeling of helplessness in this new city. I don't know where to hang out after work, and I don't have any friends in the area yet. I'm trying to find something to do post-work, but seeing as I don't yet have a dining table, I might be getting a bit ahead.

Anyone in the Oakland County area need a new friend?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

#1. Moving In

So I've started moving into my new place, and it's been pretty ridiculous. Did you know you can buy EVERYTHING at Wal-Mart? I feel a little bad supporting the whole 'third-world exploitation', but I can't stay mad at a place where I can buy wine AND a table to drink it on AND a couch to cry myself to sleep in! I'm so lonely.

There's so much 'new' going on that I don't really know where to start. I did get a social security number though. Ain't gonna tell you what it is though, identity theft and all that. I know a couple of people who would like to have my life right now. I'm looking at you, Todd.

I haven't bought a dining table yet. I'm eating on the floor. Not off the floor though - I did buy some dishware and cutlery and stuff.

I start work tomorrow. Am I nervous? You betcha. I'm so nervous I need to go to Walmart. To buy new socks. Because I think I peed out of nervousness. Gosh, I hope none of my employers find this blog.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A New Start

Hey, so, it's been a while, but I feel like I need to start this blog again.

There's been a lot of changes in my life. Not like, hair-in-new-places changes, just general life developments.

Well, first off, I got a job. In this economy? Anyways, it required me to move out of the only country I've ever really known, to Michigan. Food is cheap, people are nice, and you can buy BOOZE at WAL-MART!

They'll be plenty of exciting new things up in this blog. I'll keep y'all posted. Oh God, I'm already starting to talk like one of them.

The lady at the DMV asked for my license plate number, and I said, "Zed," and she had no idea what I was trying to say.