Monday, November 7, 2011

#3. Cooking for One

Still here.

Work has been intense. I build robots. They slice, they dice, they hunt Sarah Connor.

What else is new? Well, I don't have dining room chairs. I'm sitting on a large cardboard box, and it has a dimple in it from my ass.

Anyways, new things: I became product manager for the M430, the first USDA-approved food robot. But in an effort to make this blog NOT all about work, I'll also list that I learned how to cook a great many things for myself. Today's menu is garlic-butter tilapia fillets with homemade pasta sauce on rigatoni. I'm being fancy.

My girlfriend also gave me a metric shitload of recipes, which have so far come in handy. Still can't believe I can buy booze at walmart.

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