Wednesday, October 13, 2010

#7. Microwave

Today, I microwaved something in the engineering lounge.

Despite basically living in the school's engineering lounge for 5 years, I have never needed to heat food - mainly because I like my meals the way I like my revenge. The difference today was the foot-long rib-wich in my hands. Dilemmas. I could eat it cold, but the rib-wich was designed - no, evolved - to be eaten piping hot with melted cheese and warm toasted bread.

To give you a scope of the situation, I was standing in the middle of a busy lounge, with one of the two daily-made rib-wiches in my hands, drawing envious peeks from the people around me. The microwave lay just ahead, and only two minutes of irradiation separated me from a delicious warm lunch.

This is pretty much what the microwave looks like:

[Engineers don't even clean their bodies.]

You'd think that with 500 of the smartest people in the city, we'd be able to figure out a way to keep the microwave clean, but no, apparently, cleanliness is inversely proportional to intelligence. That means as people get smarter, they get dirtier. Which makes Pigpen from Peanuts a freaking genius.

Anyways, I used it after much deliberation, which only goes to show that health concerns are inversely proportional to the deliciousness of food.

1 comment:

  1. at least all the bacteria in there has been irradiated so many times that it is highly unlikely they would have survived. unless there were thermophiles present. But I have seen you recently, so I have no reason to believe you were opposite of healthy/alive.
