Thursday, October 7, 2010

#1. Sarawak Laksa

Today, I made one of my favourite foods - Sarawak laksa.

If you've never tried laksa, go and book yourself a ticket to Malaysia right now. I'll wait until you get back. Are you going? Good.

... okay. Hopefully you went and got some, otherwise the next paragraph is going to be a little torturous. I don't think I'm going to do this justice with just an explanation. But I'll try. Because I am awesome (not as awesome as laksa)!

Sarawak laksa is a blend of thin rice noodles, topped with Malaysian fare such as huge, juicy prawns and tender chicken meat, as well as a generous helping of fresh bean sprouts, fried tofu, and halved hard-boiled eggs, all doused in a coconut milk and curry broth. It's the most delicious thing I've ever tasted, but I can't eat more than a bowl a day or I'll explode (from happiness, not poop).

Of course, the pseudo version I made doesn't hold water to the authentic, straight-from-Malaysian-street-vendor version, but I did my best. I had to travel over half the city looking for an Asian supermarket because my usual one went out of business. Suspected because they sold foods that were TOO TASTY.

I ended up buying a sauce packet instead of making the broth from raw ingredients. Where am I going to find... galangal? I don't even know what that looks like. Is it a vegetable? A root? Part of a human body?

Anyways, here are a series of pictures:

[Prepping the chicken for lunch!]

[This is probably pure cholesterol. Yay!]

[Shrimp, boiling. I'd make a joke here if I could.]

[Please don't lick the screen. It's dirty and full of germs.]

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