Monday, March 29, 2010

#4. Dream Interpretation

Last night, I had a terrifying dream. This doesn't surprise me, because out of the rare times that I do dream, they're nearly always nightmares. I'm not sure whether that says something about my psychological makeup... but it probably does.

Anyways, last night, I was asleep, and in my dream I was in an argument with a friend. I don't know what I said, but he ended up punching me in the face (I probably deserved it). But when he did, he somehow ended up cracking one of my teeth. The tooth (it was a molar) split into four pieces, and I could feel the little shards of enamel on my tongue, the sharp, piercing pain of exposed nerves, and taste the metallic tinge of blood.

But don't worry. My teeth were fine when I woke up:

[Like hers, only a little better. On related note, this is what I nightmare about.]

When I woke up, I was so disturbed that I immediately went to my computer to check out if I was having some sort of prophetic vision, a psychotic episode, or both. Okay, I lay in bed for another 30 minutes alternating between hitting the snooze button and fantasizing about Transformers. But after that, I immediately got up and turned on my computer.

After trawling through pages of Google links advertising free dream interpretations by weirdos like fortune tellers, witches, and John Edwards, I finally stumbled across a site that didn't look too likely to infect my computer with lots of horse porn. Interestingly enough, according to [] there are three aspects to my dream that are "common" in nightmares: Teeth, fighting, and pain. No word yet on whether most of these people are permanent residents of the local mental institute.

Dreaming about rotting or decaying teeth signifies that my health or business may be in jeopardy. I'm too young to own a business, so I spent the day warily watching my back and panicking every time I felt a slight itch, or saw blood in my urine. But those things happen everyday, so I'm not too concerned.

As for fighting, I quote:

"To dream that you are in a fight, indicates inner turmoil. Some aspect of yourself is in conflict with another aspect of yourself. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your waking life."

Wow, how interesting. Looks like I'm conflicted and stifling a part of myself. Probably that nagging voice that thinks I should go see a doctor about the green rash on my body.

And finally, "to dream that you are in pain, signifies that you are being too hard on yourself". Wow! What a relief. I guess this means I should relax more often. Well, then, I'm off to the bar! Just kidding, I'm at work.

Now, the real 'new thing' I've started is a dream journal. I'll only be able to update it once a few months, because of the rarity of my dreams. However, it'd be interesting to map the frequency of my dreams, interpret them, and try to figure out if there's any lifestyle changes I need to make.

1 comment:

  1. oh dreams. just sleep more, you'll have more of them:)
