Saturday, March 27, 2010

#2. Finger Whistling

So you ever watch those old westerns where the cowboy hero calls his horse by sticking his fingers in his mouth and letting loose a shrill, piercing whistle? Or the half-naked fan at a sports game when the batter hits a home run? Or even that sketchy construction worker when a pretty girl walks past?

I searched Google, finder of all things, for instructions on how to finger whistle. It's true what they say: people who can whistle can't understand why others find it so hard, while those who can't are unable to believe how the human mouth can make a sound like that. I've never found normal whistling (through pursed lips) to be hard, so trying to finger whistle was definitely a new experience.

I found it easiest, after a day of practice, to lightly tough the tip of my tongue to my bottom lip, and then curl my lip inwards over my teeth. Then, I made an O with my fingers, like giving the OK gesture, and stuck my fingers in my mouth, just so the tips of my nails met the spot where my tongue touched my teeth. Then I pressed my top lip down over my fingers and blew.

It's not very loud yet, and it takes me a few tries to get it right, but I'm getting there. Now I just need to hang around outside bars and wolf whistle at all the ladies. You know, for practice.

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